‘I’m Latino and I Don’t Speak Spanish’: Young Men Talk About Identity

Am I Hispanic enough? Am I American enough? This is the dilemma that many Latinos face at some point in their lives, whether they are 1st or 5th generation. Part of this is the tension in answering people’s assumptions, expectations and yes, stereotypes that exist about what “constitutes” a Hispanic. And these assumptions come from […]

Meet the Founder of BLENDtw

BLENDtw is digital media company empowering young people to share their stories to connect lives. In a disconnected world, they connect a generation that is suffering from depression and anxiety in epidemic numbers. And they do it by building hope, giving them access to resources, and telling stories that change people’s abilities to see themselves in the future […]


Breaking into the media industry can be a difficult and daunting task for anyone who is passionate about creating content, storytelling, or even becoming the next Tyler Perry. It’s all about who you know, what you know and how you plan on getting your foot in the door. Maricielo Solis, the founder and CEO of BLENDtw reflects on […]

CEO Maricielo Solis Found Her Voice, and Now BLENDtw is Helping College Students Do the Same

Media and journalism have long been male-dominated industries where aspiring female journalists and reporters are constrained by gender rather than uplifted by it. Each year, women make up more than two thirds of journalism or mass communication degree graduates, while only one third of the media industry is female. This statistic is further diminished for women […]

Finding your Essence – Meet Cielo, The Woman Blending the World!

Maricielo Solis is an entrepreneur whose passion for storytelling has sparked a movement.  Through her company, BLENDtw, she is creating a safe space for young people to speak up and connect through their experienced anxieties and strategies of overcoming them.  Solis is an immigrant woman of color, empowering others to take control of their success […]